LightHouse Programming


Quality Over Quantity

We teach women how to train, not just exercise…

What’s the difference?

Exercise is physical activity done for the effect that it produces immediately: hot, sweaty, tired, and usually sore.

Training is physical activity that is thought out and planned over the long term to produce a specific adaptation.

Training 3x a week at 100% will provide better results than exercising 5-7 days a week at 50%.

While we train, our muscles become damaged (in a good way!). In order for those muscles to adapt and repair, they need to rest and recover properly. If our bodies don’t get the opportunity to recover, then our muscles will constantly remain in the healing stage and never reach the adapt and repair stage. This keeps our body in a state of stress, which makes it nearly impossible to progress.

Our bodies are built during the time we are not training, therefore rest, recovery, and proper nutrition are crucial.

LightHouse Programming

LightHouse Programming is designed around a Squat-Push-Pull training method with necessary rest/recovery days built in. Workouts are centered around barbell weightlifting coupled with accessory work. We program for 3 weightlifting sessions a week, offer 2 Specialty Classes that compliment our Weightlifting Program, and encourage active lives outside the gym. After each weightlifting session, we log our lifting numbers in our LightHouse Weightlifting app in order to keep track of our strength progression.

A typical schedule for a member is either Monday, Wednesday, and Friday or Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Our weekly programming schedule is outlined below.


MON/TUES - Squat Day (back squat, front squat, or lunge)

WED/THURS - Press Day (bench press or shoulder press)

FRI/SAT - Pull Day (deadlift or clean)


TUES - LH | Core (Learn More)

SAT - LH | Olympic Lifting (Learn More)

See Current LightHouse Schedule
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